Hypnosis on the Radio- Beryl Comar Revisited
Beryl Comar, must be one of the most trained Hypnotists on the planet!!. There isn’t a course she hasn’t taken ( well there must be a few – but hyperbole is hyperbole!).
She was the first to conduct mind sciences training in the Arabian Gulf – the first Certified Instructor in NLP, EFT and Hypnosis in the Middle East and East Africa.
Beryl has trained with both Richard Bandler and Jerry Kein (among others) so has a diverse and wide experience in all styles of Hypnosis.
The show will talk to Beryl about her experiences and travels – but will focus mostly on Beryl’s work with Hypnodontics (using Hypnosis in Dentistry) and what she calls Broken Heart Cure – a way of using Hypnosis to move on from bad or broken relationships.
You can find her book on Hypnodontics and more information on her website – CLICK HERE– HypnodonticsWorld.com
She also teaches extensively on her ‘Broken Heart cure’ combined with her own Protocol on Emotional Intelligence – BerylComar.com
Last time we chatted with Beryl, me in Vancouver and Beryl , by phone, in Dubai. This time I join her in her house in Spain and we chat about her take on Transactional Interactions – meaning how we get to be who we are and then how to interact with another.
She uses the mnenomic PQRST – listen and you will find out how to use the letters to help with interactions
Tools from the Show:
Free access to the Ines Simpson Self Hypnosis website - CLICK HERE
Download your Self Hypnosis Info Packet - CLICK HERE
Client Page for Ines Simpson - CLICK HERE
FAQs for Hypnosis - CLICK HERE
Info of the Simpson Protocol Advanced Hypnosis System- CLICK HERE
Info on Shamanic Journeys - CLICK HERE
Consider your Language: As a Man Thinketh - James Allen
LINKS to First Season -CLICK HERE
Second Season: all links here