Hypnosis on the Radio - The Next Level with Bob Burns

Welcome to Hypnosis- Everywhere . Ines Simpson and the Simpson Protocol with Ines Simpson

This is the page for all the info about the show on Wed July 21  11.00 am on Voice America



An extract from our interview – before the interwebber gremlins intervened

As usual Bob being Bob – stirring things up – but also offering FREE lessons to Australia and willing to offer ” Have Hypnosis will Travel” 

My Guest on Wed July 21st – is the amazing Bob Burns creator of  the Swan Protocol- here he is being all professional


To Contact Bob and Buy the Swan DVD and the New Swan 2 ( when available) CLICK HERE 

Bob Burns hypnotised his first person in 1973 and since then has used hypnosis on stage, street, impromptu and in his therapy room in Montrose, Scotland where he also mentors visiting consultants from around the world as he allows them to witness live sessions with many of his clients in order that they can actually SEE real life cases before their very eyes. Bob, who is also a professional musician, mentalist and magician, also runs workshops internationally teaching and demonstrating everything required to be a hypnotherapist and how to start and run a professional practice. And by far the most important part of Bob’s teaching is The Swan, which is now used and practiced by therapists, psychologists, healers and doctors in more than 75 countries around the world. But although he runs workshops and mentors others Bob insists on mainly being known as a full-time working clinical hypnotist, Monday through to Friday.

Links to this season shows – HERE

To Contact Ines  for Questions or Arrange Sessions or Consultation

email  ines@inessimpson.com

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