Chat with Dan Cleary - LIve- facebook and radio

This week we talk to Dan Cleary. Dan came to Hypnosis as a sufferer of chronic pain. In 1978 he was partially paralyzed as the result of a motorcycle wreck. The major injury sustained is referred to as a Brachial Plexus Avulsion, which in his case causes a burning, crushing sensation throughout his arm and hand, in addition to the paralysis. For five years Daniel was unable to sleep as we generally understand sleep. He then learned hypnosis and within a week began sleeping more regularly. Since that time he has devoted himself to developing techniques and approaches for the relief of chronic conditions. While still a member of the “Chronic Club,” Dan has learned to shift the discomfort and participate fully in life. Join Dan and learn to assist your clients to excel. We will chat about his experiences and the big difference between Pain Relief and Pain Management and Dan will offer his famous mantra : “THERE IS NO APPROACH SO SIMPLE THAT IT CAN NOT BE COMPLICATED BY AN “EXPERT.”

To see another take on ‘Pain barrier’ see our show with Steven Blake – HERE

Wednesday June 6th at 11.00 am PSD – then everywhere you get your favorite Podcast – including of course on Voice America podcasts


Tools from the Show:

Dan Cleary Website:

Free access to the Ines Simpson Self Hypnosis website – CLICK HERE

Download your Self Hypnosis Info Packet – CLICK HERE

Client Page for Ines Simpson – CLICK HERE

FAQs  for Hypnosis – CLICK HERE

Info of the Simpson Protocol Advanced Hypnosis System- CLICK HERE

Info on Shamanic Journeys – CLICK HERE

Consider your Language:  As a Man Thinketh – James Allen

LINKS to First Season -CLICK HERE


Second Season: all links here


Third Season Episodes

Episode 1 - Tom Nicoli

Episode 2 - Rafael Baltresca

Episode 3 -  Tim Horn

Episode 4 - Sheila Granger and Jo-Anne Eadie

Episode 5- The new Inventiveness of today's Hypnotists

Episode 6-Patient Whisperers

Episode 7- Lisa Halpin - Coaching and Hypnosis

Episode 8 - Lance Baker

Episode 10 - Sara Herring

To Contact Ines  for Questions or Arrange Sessions or Consultation


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