Nick Ebdon - UK City Hypnotist- chatting about everything


Nick Ebdon is a business consultant, coach, therapist and former Hypnosis trainer with practices in the City of London and Kent.

Nick is also the owner and organiser of the UK Hypnosis Convention, which annually plays host to some of the leading domestic and international names in the field of Hypnosis and which is the biggest event of its kind in the UK (Maybe even Europe).

Nick is trained in a number of therapeutic and coaching modalities including CBT, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Integrative and Strategic Intervention Coaching and Organisational Stress Management.

Before becoming a consultant, coach and therapist, for many years Nick was an executive director for a US Investment Bank, working as the senior trader and risk manager of their former Metals Business.

This experience and knowledge has led Nick to become a sought after name in dealing with trader stress and burnout in the City of London and beyond.

Wednesday June 13th at 11.00 am PSD – then everywhere you get your favorite Podcast – including of course on Voice America podcasts

UK Hypnosis Convention that Nick Ebdon created and runs – November in London- details here

If you are thinking of going – there is a 10% discount if you use my coupon ‘simpson’


Tools from the Show:

Free access to the Ines Simpson Self Hypnosis website - CLICK HERE

Download your Self Hypnosis Info Packet - CLICK HERE

Client Page for Ines Simpson - CLICK HERE

FAQs  for Hypnosis - CLICK HERE

Info of the Simpson Protocol Advanced Hypnosis System- CLICK HERE

Info on Shamanic Journeys - CLICK HERE

Consider your Language:  As a Man Thinketh - James Allen

LINKS to First Season -CLICK HERE


Second Season: all links here


Third Season Episodes

Episode 1 - Tom Nicoli

Episode 2 - Rafael Baltresca

Episode 3 -  Tim Horn

Episode 4 - Sheila Granger and Jo-Anne Eadie

Episode 5- The new Inventiveness of today's Hypnotists

Episode 6-Patient Whisperers

Episode 7- Lisa Halpin - Coaching and Hypnosis

Episode 8 - Lance Baker

Episode 10 - Sara Herring

To Contact Ines  for Questions or Arrange Sessions or Consultation


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