Hypnosis on the Radio with Beryl Comar


Beryl Comar, must be one of the most trained Hypnotists on the planet!!. There isn’t a course she hasn’t taken ( well there must be a few – but hyperbole is hyperbole!).

She was the first to conduct mind sciences training in the Arabian Gulf – the first Certified Instructor in NLP, EFT and Hypnosis in the Middle East and East Africa.

Beryl has trained with both Richard Bandler and Jerry Kein (among others)  so has a diverse and wide experience in all styles of Hypnosis.

The show will talk to Beryl about her experiences and travels – but will focus mostly on Beryl’s work with Hypnodontics (using Hypnosis in Dentistry) and what she calls Broken Heart Cure – a way of using Hypnosis to move on from bad or broken relationships.

You can find her book on Hypnodontics and more information on her website – CLICK HEREHypnodonticsWorld.com


email: berylcomar@gmail.com

or Contact Page:  https://hypnodonticsworld.com/about/

This week with Bery Comar – my great friend and wonderful story teller – Wed Feb 21 11.00am

– and then available wherever you find your favorite podcast


Beryls Book on Hypnosis in the Dental Practice

“I began looking for the published material and found there was little information published for dentists and, in contacting other consulting hypnotists, found that most had dealt with few dental cases. This seemed strange as Dave Elman had trained dentists in the 1960s, and his book “Hypnotherapy” had been studied and used by me for over twelve years. It was my “hypnosis bible” and I had used his techniques for countless dental clients.  I had trained with Gerald Kein, who himself was trained by Dave Elman, and widely recognized as one of the leading instructors of clinical hypnosis. It was only natural that I would turn to him for guidance and I am thankful for his generous advice in reviewing the first drafts and releasing material for inclusion.”  Beryl Comar 


Tools from the Show:

Free access to the Ines Simpson Self Hypnosis website - CLICK HERE

Download your Self Hypnosis Info Packet - CLICK HERE

Client Page for Ines Simpson - CLICK HERE

FAQs  for Hypnosis - CLICK HERE

Info of the Simpson Protocol Advanced Hypnosis System- CLICK HERE

Info on Shamanic Journeys - CLICK HERE

Consider your Language:  As a Man Thinketh - James Allen

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